Class OFferings
The Preschool class is for 3 and 4 year olds who are fully potty trained and not entering into Kindergarten the following year. This 2 ½ hour class meets from 9:00-11:30 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This class would have a teacher to student ratio not to exceed 2:12.
The Pre-K classes are for 5 year-olds and older 4's that will be eligible for Kindergarten the following year.
If a child will not be eligible to attend Kindergarten the following fall due to their age, it will be up to the discretion of the Administrator and Preschool Board whether the child can be enrolled into a Pre-K class. This determination would be made on an individual, as needed basis.
If a child will not be eligible to attend Kindergarten the following fall due to their age, it will be up to the discretion of the Administrator and Preschool Board whether the child can be enrolled into a Pre-K class. This determination would be made on an individual, as needed basis.
There are three options for the Pre-K class:
• The AM class meets for 2 ½ hours from 9:00-11:30 am on Mon-Wed-Fri and is for young 4-year-olds NOT going to kindergarten the following year.
• The PM class meets for 2 ½ hours from 12:30 - 3:00 pm Monday through Thursday and is for older 4-year-olds going to kindergarten the following year.
• The All-Day class meets from 9:00 - 3:00 pm Monday through Thursday and is for older 4-year-olds going to kindergarten the following year.
• The AM class meets for 2 ½ hours from 9:00-11:30 am on Mon-Wed-Fri and is for young 4-year-olds NOT going to kindergarten the following year.
• The PM class meets for 2 ½ hours from 12:30 - 3:00 pm Monday through Thursday and is for older 4-year-olds going to kindergarten the following year.
• The All-Day class meets from 9:00 - 3:00 pm Monday through Thursday and is for older 4-year-olds going to kindergarten the following year.
Foundations to Grow On Preschool provides a Christian based preschool program. Our preschool is committed to providing a program and environment that emphasizes the development of the whole child in terms of spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and social education. Education is provided in a safe, loving and God-centered setting that adheres to the Holy Scriptures. Instruction will be provided through carefully chosen curriculum, enhanced with creative teaching techniques with varied learning opportunities. Our staff is committed to educational goals of excellence that will prepare our students to be life-long Christians and learners.
Foundations to Grow On is open Monday through Friday. The preschool operates from the day after Labor Day through the Friday before Memorial Day. We follow the Teays Valley School District's calendar for holidays and other days off school, as well as for calamity days. Please click here for the Teays Valley calendar.
Large motor movement and outdoor play is essential for young children to thrive. We will play outside daily, as weather permits. Children will not be taken outside when the temperature (wind chill and heat index factored in) drop below 25 degrees or rise above 90 degrees. If the situation necessitates, we will also adjust outdoor time due to rain, threatening weather, ozone warnings etc. On days that outdoor play is not possible, indoor gross motor activities are scheduled.

We attempt to schedule field trips three times each year. Each year our field trips vary to provide a variety from returning students from year to year. Parents who wish to participate in our field trips are required to transport their own child or make arrangements with another adult for the transportation of their child. Preschool staff is not able to transport any children for the field trips.